Greg Jefferys Hepatitis C blog deals with all the issues associated with hepatitis C
Licensed generics are identical to the brand versions in every way except in pill colour and price. This generic Epclusa is made under direct license from GILEAD SCIENCES and is identical to brand Epclusa except that it is one hundredth the price.
Every day I get emails and messages about buying cheap Hep C medicines. Obviously, I get emails from all over the world (because Hep C is everywhere) and from people in all different kinds of situations.
However, I never get emails from rich people because they don’t care that the price of Hep C medication might be US$30,000 or $80,000.
Mostly my emails are from people who are struggling even to get the price of generic Hep C medicines.
And of course, everyone is worried about being ripped off buying medicines online!
One common email I receive is from people wanting information about getting affordable Hep C medicine, but who are very skeptical about the service I am offering. So they start off by asking about the process and if the medicine really works and why the Hepatitis C medicine is so cheap. Some people are actually even honest enough to ask if am I running a scam.
I guess for every person who writes to me asking about getting affordable Hep C medication there are ten who don’t even bother writing because they think that:
“It’s so cheap it must be some kind of scam.”
The other type of email I frequently get is from people who have completed their treatment, using generic Hep C medicine, who are writing to share the good news that they have received their SVR 12 test results and that they are cured.
So for the people thinking about using generic Hep C medicines to cure their Hep C, I would like to publish these two conversation threads, one thread is from a Messenger conversation and the other is an email.
The other side of the coin is when people have trusted me and allowed me to help them get the best possible Hep C treatment for them at the best possible price.
Such people are from all over the world, from every country in the Americas to Africa and Europe and Asia
This person is from Malaysia so their English is not 100% but I think you will understand what he has written no problem.
From: J
Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 12:45 AM
To: greg jefferys
Subject: Re: Regarding Hep C medication
hi greg
good day to you
As u said im cured well thats true finally , i have reach SVR 24. i started my medication on 19/9/2019 and complete my medication on 12-12-2020 and on the april 24th 2020 i have done my liver ultrasound( privately) and it shows my fatty liver is gone no fatty liver were found as before i started my treatment .
lately i have done my ULTRASOUND 1-10-2020 In my regular ultrasound check up at my government hospital (compulsory) and the result were so good my liver health remain the same the april ultrasound result mostly after 6 months and i have check up with my Dr with my liver ultrasound result.
DR said u are cured and i like finally happy and i ask can i see the SVR result thats make even more happy to see ( not detected). unfortunately the blood that i drawn after 12 weeks post treatment is not enough to check my viral detection .
NO choice on the 6th OCT 2020, I drawn a blood sample and dr give appoitment after 3 months which is yesterday 26-1-2020 the moment i went into dr room my heart beat start pump so fast due to the result of my SVR . With all god grace blessings finally Dr said i finally Cured of Hep C ,i saw the result shown “Not Detected”and i felt so relieve, happy and top of the sky,and it is a must to share my result to know because u are the only hope to get medication (trustable) and your positive approach towards people thats need help despite any region. and i hope it remain the same
lastly want ask do i need to do SVR test every year just to make sure everythings goes well? i have attach my SVR result 🙂
Hep C Testimonials
Because I get emails of the type above every day I do have a long list of testimonials written by people who have survived Hep C through the assistance I have given them. I put the link to those Hep C testimonials here, not to glorify myself, but to help people who are worried about getting Hep C medicines through my Buyers Club. Click here to read more Hep C survivor stories.
For more information about generic Hep C medication visit the MSF website on this link
Hep C Cure Rate, Hep C Medication Assistance, Hep C Medicine, Hep C Medicine Cost, Hep C Medicine Cure, Hep C Medicine Name, Hep C Treatment Tablets
Join my Hep C Support Group.
Talk privately to other people
with Hep C in a closed group.
Greg Jefferys’ blog is provided for informational purposes and is not intended as Medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Whilst Greg Jefferys is doing a PhD it is not in medicine. Any advice offered is offered in good faith and based on an extensive general knowledge of Hepatitis C and access to generic Hepatitis medicines Greg Jefferys has acquired through his work as an advocate and activist
The Hep C Buyers Club is not a company or corporate entity but simply a loose structure intended to offer a free information to people with Hepatitis C
Click here for other books by Greg Jefferys.
I have converted this diary into a kindle book for folk who might like it in that format. I have added a lot more depth than the original diary contains, it’s more of a complete story in book format. I have priced it as low as Kindle allows me to @ 99 cents. If you are interested just click here to go to the Kindle page.
If you have any questions please reach out by email, or complete the below form.
Greg Jefferys3439 Channel Highway, Woodbridge, Tasmania, 7161.
Though not Greg that gave me drugs because I had started before joining his blog. The period I interacted with him, I saw the sincerity in him. Very sincere. I completed just 2 months treatment & when I chatted with him, he said I am at least 9o/95,% cured. My fatty liver has improved but yet to do other test.